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Join Fiona Kennedy and Tom Richardson for this FREE event ….we discuss Tom’s work on managing mood swings, perfectionism, over-valuing ‘highs’ and more

Clinician, researcher and with lived experience of bipolar, Tom has worked on using the Integrative Cognitive Model to formulate and treat both depression and mania in bipolar.

His insights and strategies are great for managing mood swings in many different presentations too.

Join us on August 29th 12.30-13.00 pm for a FREE half hour session where I get to ask him about the tricks of the trade and how to feel effective when facing a bipolar presentation.

…or sign up now for the full event

Tom is Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Southampton. He leads the University’s teaching on CBT for bipolar disorder for the diploma in CBT. He also leads several research projects, in the psychological mechanisms of bipolar and in treatment for bipolar.

He is a member of the clinical advisory panel and bipolar commission for Bipolar UK . He is also a member of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders’ psychological therapies task force.

Tom is in the process of editing  “Psychological Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: A Handbook of Evidence-Based and Emerging Approaches”, due for release by Springer in late 2023.

Tom also has lived experience of bipolar disorder and draws upon this in his training workshops.



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