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The Decider Skills

Simple, accessible, effective, DBT/CBT Skills for Groups and Individuals

4-Hour Recorded Interactive Webinar/Workshop with Michelle Ayres & Carol Vivyan 


GreenWood Mentors Ltd is delighted to have invited the Decider Skills creators to deliver this training.

The Decider Skills use CBT and DBT (dialectical behaviour therapy) skills to teach children, young people and adults to recognise and manage thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Complex psychological theory has been distilled into highly effective, evidence-based skills that are accessible, engaging and memorable.

Decider Skills are delivered in an original, fun and creative style using role-play, visual props and imagery that make them easy to learn and teach. Demonstrations bring the skills to life. Clinicians who have learned the skills are able to pitch their teaching to suit their client group. The skills form a core foundational skillset and a shared common language for clients of all ages and presentations, clinicians and carers.

Decider Skills enable participants to make effective changes to help manage distress, regulate emotion, increase mindfulness and promote effective communication. The aim is to help us live more skilful, less impulsive lives.

The model is compatible with many therapy modalities and can be used as a proactive approach to mental health, a waiting list intervention or as part of a treatment plan.

Clinicians and clients describe increased ability to engage in more intensive individual or group therapies like CBT, DBT and trauma-focused work after learning and using The Decider Skills “I feel like I have better foundations and I can manage my emotions better”.

The Decider Skills are used extensively in the UK and ROI by NHS Trusts, organisations, charities and private practitioners.

Service User involvement Following initial pilot studies and focus groups, service user experiences were used to develop this evidence-based, structured skills program. It is a positive, proactive and preventative approach for use in health, education, work, home, charity, prison and social settings.

User feedback has also prompted creative solutions for remote working and learning.

Learning Aims ·       Introduction to The Decider Skills

·       Discuss evidence base

·       Demonstrate all 12 Decider Life Skills

·       Illustrate application to clinical practice

The Trainers


Decider Skills creators Michelle Ayres and Carol Vivyan are Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapists, EMDR practitioners and Mental Health Nurses.

They are highly experienced, fun presenters and clinicians. They are passionate about improving mental health outcomes using the wealth of skills and knowledge gained from careers of more than 35 years in mental health.

They are the co-creators of The Decider Skills, The Decider Life Skills and the STOPP app

Carol Vivyan is also author and owner of the Get Self Help website

Watch Recording  

Recorded live webinar, with interactive questions, comments and exercises, with responses from the speakers. Available to view now.


Price £50


£100 group of up to five (attend using one screen or booker/organiser sends links to five people)


therapy supervision training




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