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GreenWood Mentors Presenttherapy supervision training

Working with Self-States and Dissociation in Common Disorders

Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD..and more

With Dr Fiona Kennedy

Module 1 of the BPS Approved Course: Working with Self-States, or a stand-alone module

Scroll down to book the on-demand course (7.5 hours CPD)

Key Benefits:

  • Recognise, understand and help change dissociation and self-states in problems we commonly deal with in therapy – anxiety, depression, OCD and PTSD

  • Get ‘unstuck’ from treatment-resistant presentations.

  • Deepen your understanding of your client’s full repertoire of ways to be in the world

  • Access hidden resources and strengths to build a life worth living

  • Click here for full course details

Your Trainer

Picture of Dr Fiona Kennedy

Dr Fiona Kennedy

Dr Fiona Kennedy is a respected and knowledgeable, fun trainer with a knack of making complex concepts accessible without losing their richness. She has many years’ experience in  managing and delivering services in the NHS, and is Director of GreenWood Mentors Ltd, an award-winning company providing training, supervision and therapy.

She has written books including the guided therapy book Get Your Life Back: The Most Effective Therapies for a Better You, for clients, shortlisted for the BMA Popular Medical Book Of The Year. In 2020 a therapist’s companion to this appeared as part of the Routledge CBT Distinctive Features series: Integrating CBT and Third Wave Therapies. She co-edited Cognitive Behavioural Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Dissociation and developed the CBT theory of dissociation. Fiona and her husband have volunteered in India for the past 16 years, enabling volunteers and NGO staff to work with children and young people from severe disadvantage as well as with tribal groups from rural areas.

Dates and times

On demand only, book below


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Watch Recording of Working with Self States in Anxiety and more
Your ticket to watch the recording of Working with Self-States in Anxiety Depression OCD and PTSD
£ 100.00